About Massage

A “typical” massage session isn’t very typical at all. The fact is, no two massages are ever the same. Light pressure for one person may be deep pressure for another, and vice versa. At the beginning of each massage we will go over your specific needs and goals for the session.

For example, just because a massage is therapeutic, doesn’t mean it is necessarily medical massage or has to be painful or unpleasant.

A lighter, more gentle massage can be relaxing, reduce stress, increase blood flow, aid in venous return (help blood move back towards your heart so your heart doesn’t have to work as hard!), and promote overall wellness. This is usually referred to as basic Swedish Massage and is the most common and well known type of massage therapy.

A firmer, more vigorous massage – such as sports massage – can be both therapeutic and preparatory for the body. Before an intense sporting event (ex. professional athletic event or a marathon) you don’t want the muscles to relax too much, because it can effect body awareness. A massage will be more focus, the tone will be more upbeat, and the goal will be to loosen, rather than to relax.

Other types of massage are myofascial release (MFR) and trigger point therapy (TPT). I utilize MFR in nearly every massage I do. A slow, firm pressure is applied to an area and the underlying “fascia” is allowed to “melt”, thereby causing a release in muscle tension. MFR on the neck, scalp, and upper back can aid with headaches (including migraines!) and TMJS (Temporomandibular joint syndrome) pain. MFR is often referred to as deep tissue massage, although fascia can be either superficial or deep, and the effect can be meant for both superficial and deeper layer muscles.

The majority of my massages contain primarily Swedish Massage strokes, MFR, and trigger point therapy. Every massage is customized on a case by case basis. See the About Massage drop down menu for more specific information on different types of massage therapy.